Cafe Aldea

Caramel, silky smooth, subtle smoky aroma


12oz | $18.00
5lb | $84.00


Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, and Caturra
Altitude: 1000 - 1700 meters
Harvest Period: October - March
Process: Fully washed and dried in the sun
Roast Level: Medium/Dark

This coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around Asociacion Aldea Global Jinotega (Aldea Global), an cooperative operating in the department of Jinotega, Nicaragua.

Aldea Global has more than 500 members and 47% are women, the result of investing revenues in gender equality programs focused on healthcare and small business lending.

Olomega coffee is produced by descendants of an indigenous group called the Chorotegas who live in the village of Olomega.

This heavy bodied coffee has a naturally smooth and buttery flavor profile that we highlight as medium-dark roast.